Physical Diplomas

Diplomas are mailed four months after the end of the graduation term. Your physical diploma is sent to your diploma mailing address in CalCentral.

Electronic Diplomas

Certified Electronic Diplomas (CeDiplomas) are now available for UC Berkeley graduates.

  • Your CeDiploma will be available for download in CalCentral at the same time that traditional paper diplomas are mailed (typically 4 months after the end of term).
  • CeDiplomas are only available to alumni of the class of Spring 2020 or later. We will be unable to award CeDiplomas to alumni of earlier terms retroactively.

Managing Your Diploma

Your Name on Records

For information about how your name appears on records and rosters, or for details about how to change the way your name appears, visit Update Name & Personal Information.

Notary Services

UC Berkeley can notarize official transcripts, verification documents, or diplomas. For diplomas, you must provide a photocopy to notarize. For information, visit Notary Services.