UC Berkeley offers two official verification instruments:

  1. Enrollment Verification (self-service for current students)
  2. Verification of Attendance and Degrees (for students, alumni, and former students)

Most verification services require that you are (or were) Officially Registered, which requires:

  1. Enrollment in courses,
  2. Payment of at least 20% of your tuition and registration fees, and
  3. No registration blocks.

How to Verify Attendance and Degrees

Most verification services may be requested online for students or former students with access to CalCentral.

Managing Verifications

Verifying Graduation Before Degrees Are Posted

In a small number of cases, individuals who demonstrate an urgent need for proof of conferral may request an expedited degree. For information about proof of graduation before degrees are posted, visit the Official Transcripts page.

Your Name on Records

For information about how your name appears on records and rosters or for details about how to change the way your name appears, visit Update Name & Personal Information.

Notary Services

UC Berkeley can notarize enrollment and degree verifications. For information, visit Notary Services.

Additional Verification Services

For information about custom or third-party forms, visit Education & Degree Verification.