To comply with federal requirements, the university requires that all undergraduate and graduate students confirm their participation in all of their courses at the start of each semester. This assignment is crucial to ensuring student eligibility for financial aid and is mandatory for all students—regardless of financial aid status—since aid status can change throughout the year.

How to Verify Class Enrollment

Verify your participation in your courses by completing reading assignments on Academic Integrity. These assignments will either be:

  • Automatically generated in bCourses for you to complete.
  • Sent in a direct email to you with a link.

During the first few weeks of the semester, check your bCourses (or bMail if your class is not on bCourses) for prompts to “verify participation” in each of your courses.

To verify class enrollment:

  • When prompted, complete each reading assignment on Academic Integrity to ensure you understand your responsibilities for participating in the course.
  • After reading, click the box affirming you have read the syllabus, reviewed course requirements, intend to engage in the class, and will observe the UC Berkeley honor code.
  • You will need to complete an assignment for each course (for example, if you have four courses, you will need to complete four total assignments, one for each course).

Students in independent study courses, honors thesis courses, or research courses will also be required to confirm participation in these courses and will receive links to the assignments via email.

Verify Summer Sessions Class Enrollment

If you are enrolled in Summer Sessions or summer programs, you must also confirm ​​your participation in these courses. Pay attention to your bMail for information about how to confirm your participation in summer courses. For additional information, visit Summer Aid on the Financial Aid and Scholarships website.