The Berkeley Academic Senate and each school or college govern grading policy. Grades are posted to the official transcript the day after instructor approval. Students can view their grades in CalCentral.

For detailed information, read the Regulations of the Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate Related to Grades. Please note that the grades P, S, NP, U, I, and IP carry no grade points, and the units in courses with these grade designations are excluded from the determination of the grade-point average.

Grading Details, Processes, and Rules

Students’ grades are displayed in CalCentral once an instructor posts them and may take up to one day to appear. Grades posted in CalCentral include deficient mid-term grades, provided they are reported by the instructor, and final grades after the term concludes.

Grading Topics

UC Berkeley Grade Definitions

The work of all students on the Berkeley campus is reported in terms of the following grades:

Grade Grade points per unit Interpretation
A+, A, A- 4.0, 4.0, 3.7 Excellent
B+, B, B- 3.3, 3.0, 2.7 Good
C+, C, C- 2.3, 2.0, 1.7 Fair
D+, D, D- 1.3, 1.0, .7 Barely passed
F 0.0 Failed; units will be included in computing the student’s GPA, but will not be used toward satisfaction of unit requirements for the degree.
P Pass C- or better; assigned to undergraduates only; not included in grade-point computation.
NP Not Pass Below C-; assigned to undergraduates only; not included in grade-point computation.
S Satisfactory B- or better; assigned to graduate students only; not included in grade-point computation.
U Unsatisfactory Below B-; assigned to graduate students only; not included in grade-point computation.
I Incomplete Work incomplete due to circumstances beyond the student’s control, but of passing quality; not included in grade-point computation after fall 1973.
IP In Progress Work in progress; final grade to be assigned upon completion of the entire course.
NR Not Reported Temporary administrative grade; not included in grade-point computation.
M Missing Temporary administrative grade; not included in grade-point computation.
RD Review Deferred Placeholder grade for pending review.

Plus and minus grading: Only the grades of A, B, C, and D may be modified by a plus (+) or minus (-) suffix. The grade of A+, when awarded, represents extraordinary achievement, but does not receive grade point credit beyond that received for the grade of A.