Due to the unusual and challenging circumstances our students faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cancel for Non-Payment (CNP) policy was suspended indefinitely. However, all ​​deadlines and fees still apply to all students.

If you are concerned that unpaid charges could impact your classes and registration status, please use this self-assessment information to see how the Cancel for Non-Payment (CNP) policy may affect you and how to seek assistance. Visit the Cancel for Non-Payment Policy page for additional information.

Undergraduate Students

Read the sections below to determine if you are affected by the CNP policy. Please note: the CNP policy is currently suspended indefinitely.

If You Are Officially Registered

If you are officially registered for the Fall Term or Spring Term, your classes will not be dropped. To be Officially Registered requires:

  1. Enrollment in courses.
  2. Payment of at least 20% of your tuition and registration fees.
  3. No registration blocks or holds.

To check if you are officially registered, see “Status and Holds” on the “My Academics” tab in CalCentral.

  • If you meet registration requirements for the current term, CalCentral will display an “Officially Registered” alert.
  • If you do not meet registration requirements for the current term, CalCentral will display a “Not Officially Registered” alert.

If You Are Not Officially Registered

If you are not officially registered, you must check if you have an exception from Cancel for Non-Payment.

Check If You Have an Exception

If you have been granted an exception, your classes will not be dropped.

  • To check if you have an exception, see “Status and Holds” on the “My Academics” tab in CalCentral.
  • If you are not officially registered for this term but have been granted an exception, CalCentral will display a You Will Not be Canceled for Non-Payment alert.

Exception If You Are Receiving Sufficient Financial Aid

If you have an official financial aid offer and you meet all eligibility criteria, your financial aid should apply to your account in CalCentral before the beginning of the semester. Eligibility criteria include:

  • Completing all outstanding tasks listed in CalCentral.
  • Enrolling in at least six units.

You can monitor your aid disbursements under the “My Finances” tab of CalCentral.

  • If sufficient aid is ready to disburse and will cover at least 20 percent of your tuition and fees by the payment deadline, CalCentral will display a You Will Not be Canceled for Non-Payment alert.

If You Do Not Have an Exception

If you checked “Status and Holds” on the “My Academics” tab in CalCentral and you do not have an exception, you are at risk of Cancel for Non-Payment until your payment is received. Please pay promptly to ensure your payment is received by the fee payment deadline.

Emergency Loan Option: If necessary, you may apply for a short-term emergency loan before the payment deadline to assist you with your fee payment.

  • You can now pay with credit card (2.75% convenience fee) and e-checks via CalCentral.
  • If you have a balance from a previous term, you must pay both the prior term charges and at least 20 percent of the current semester tuition and fees to avoid being dropped from classes.

If You Are Receiving Funding from an Outside Source

If you will receive funding from an outside source such as an agency, scholarship, or sponsor, we recommend you work closely with the organization(s) to disburse your funds promptly.

  • You should monitor CalCentral to see when the payment is posted to your account.
  • If this funding will NOT cover at least 20 percent of your tuition and fees, or is not posted to your billing account by the fee payment due date, you may be subject to the Cancel for Non-Payment policy.

Graduate Students

Graduate students are not subject to the Cancel for Non-Payment policy.