As a UC Berkeley undergraduate student, you have two classifications: academic level and terms in attendance.

Academic Level

Academic Level is based upon your total earned units.

  • Freshman | fewer than 30 units
  • Sophomore | 30 to 59 units
  • Junior | 60 to 89 units
  • Senior | 90 or more units

Terms in Attendance

Terms in attendance are based on the number of terms you have been attending Berkeley. If you entered Berkeley as a transfer student your terms in attendance start at 5. Only fall and spring terms are counted. Summer terms are excluded. Terms in attendance designations:

  • 1 – first-year admits
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5 – transfer students
  • 6
  • 7 – senior year
  • 8
  • 8+

Maintain Your Course Loads

To ensure your academic level remains on par with your terms in attendance, you are required to maintain a normal course load.

Normal Course Loads

  • Undergraduate students: A course load of 15 units per semester is considered a normal undergraduate course load. You are generally expected to enroll in at least 15 units. Some colleges have a minimum course load requirement of 12 or 13 units.
  • Graduate students: A course load of 12 units per semester is considered a normal, full-time graduate course load.

Reduced Course Loads for Undergraduates

Reduced course loads must be approved by the dean’s office of your college or school. If you are an undergraduate and anticipate being enrolled in fewer than the minimum number of units required by your college or school, contact your dean’s office as soon as possible to request approval to be enrolled in a less-than-full course load. Requests should be submitted before the end of the previous semester to have time for review. A reduced course load must be approved by the dean of your college or school before the end of your Phase II enrollment period.