Academic Scheduling and Classroom Reservations

Academic Scheduling includes instructional formats that are approved by the Committee on Courses of Instruction and in which students enroll for academic credit. Events other than regular class meetings or final exams (such as review sessions, conferences, and meetings) fall under Classroom Reservations.

  • To book a room for general use, contact Berkeley Event Services Classroom Reservations.
  • To book a room for Academic Scheduling (i.e., for classes that meet for 15 weeks), contact the Office of the Registrar Academic Scheduling staff at

For additional information about Academic Scheduling, visit:

Contact List for Classroom Assistance

If you have a problem with accessing a classroom, contact one of the following to obtain timely assistance.

Issue or Question Who to Contact Hours Available Contact Information
AV/Technology Educational Technology Services 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. (510) 643-8637
Classroom Issues (lockout, maintenance, etc.) Office of the Registrar 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.

(510) 643-7490

After-hours Classroom Lockout or Maintenance Facilities Services Prior to 8 a.m. and after 8 p.m. (510) 642-1032
Building Lockout UCPD 24-hours (510) 642-6760

Disability Access To Campus Rooms

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