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Final Exam Scheduling

Final exams are scheduled by groups. Final examination groups are typically based on the day and time a class is offered. Exam groups not based on regular class meeting times are called “common exam groups.” Online courses, certain foreign language courses, and certain Chemistry and Economics courses belong to common exam groups.

Final Exam Scheduling Requirements

For undergraduate courses, final assessments that are not scheduled during the regular Final Exam Week cannot be required to be completed or turned in during the regular semester’s period of formal instruction nor the Reading/Review/Recitation (RRR) period.

Under certain circumstances, final performances and presentations may be scheduled before or during RRR week. However, instructors are encouraged to use RRR week as much as possible to synthesize, review, and revise papers or projects for the final student assessment. For more information, see COCI Handbook section 2.1.12.

Please refer to the following resources.

Deadlines for Final Exam Changes

  • To request the removal or addition of a final exam, see COCI Handbook section “Changing the Method of Final Assessment in Approved/Existing Courses.”
  • To request a change in final exam group, see COCI Handbook section 3.2.1 “Changing the Final Exam Group.” The department scheduler should email scheduling@berkeley.edu to confirm sufficient classroom space in the desired exam group.

Final Exam Groups

Final exams are based on the day and time a course is offered. Therefore, if the course schedule changes, the exam group may also change. The exam calendars provide a guideline for faculty and students to understand when their final exam may occur before classes are assigned rooms. The actual form of final evaluation for a course and the date and time must be included in the course syllabus at the beginning of the semester.

After registration, all final exam times can be found on CalCentral. The official Schedule of Final Examination locations will be available in the 11th week of instruction. The following calendars list the examination times for each final exam group number.

Spring 2025 Final Final Exam Groups Calendar

Note: If a class is offered on M, W, F, MW, MF, or WF, it will have the same start times as MWF. Similarly, if a class is offered on Tu or Th, it will have the same start times as TuTh.

Fall 2025 Final Final Exam Groups Calendar

Note: If a class is offered on M, W, F, MW, MF, or WF, it will have the same start times as MWF. Similarly, if a class is offered on Tu or Th, it will have the same start times as TuTh.


*Online courses are those with an online or web-based instruction mode. Not all online courses have in-person final exams.
**Not all foreign language classes are included in this group.

Student Final Exam Conflicts

When enrolling in classes, students are encouraged to check the final exam schedule to avoid exam time conflicts or multiple final exams on the same day. If this is unavoidable, students may ask instructors for a make-up exam on a different day, but the instructor has the final say on whether to make this arrangement. Students should not wait until the end of the semester to discuss final exam conflicts with the instructor.

Contact List for Exam Day Assistance

If you have a problem on the day of your exam, contact one of the following to obtain timely assistance.

Issue or Question Who to Contact Hours Available Contact Information
AV/Technology Educational Technology Services 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. (510) 643-8637
Classroom Issues (lockout, maintenance, etc.) Office of the Registrar 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. (510) 643-7490
After-hours Classroom Lockout or Maintenance Facilities Services Prior to 8 a.m. and after 8 p.m. (510) 642-1032
Building Lockout UCPD 24-hours (510) 642-6760