Final Grades
Find out about entering or uploading, editing, saving, approving, and posting final grades through some quick videos showing the process of getting your grades into the new system. You can enter and manage grades directly via the Grade Roster page or choose to do some of the management in spreadsheets.
If you cannot access your grading link in CalCentral, you may not have been assigned to the correct role and access in the class schedule. Please contact your department scheduler to update the system. For all other grading concerns, email or call us at 510-642-5042.
Guides and Frequently Asked Questions
Review our quick guides, videos, and FAQs for resources and information on how to enter or upload, edit, save, approve, submit, and post final semester grades.
Credit Codes On Historic Transcripts Produced Before December 31, 2016
There are various credit codes that may appear on historic transcripts. Please refer to the chart below to interpret them.
UC Berkeley Credit Code Definitions
The work of all students on the Berkeley campus is reported in terms of the following grades:
Note: Visit Grade Definitions for a description of each abbreviation used in the “Interpretation” column.
Transcript code | Interpretation |
Q1 | I lapsed to F |
Q2 | IP grade lapsed to I |
RD | Original D grade; units attempted, units passed, and grade points counted |
RF | Original F grade; units attempted counted |
RR | Original NP, I, or NR; no credit calculation |
RZ | Replacement of original grade; no credit calculation |
SF* | Graduate grading option Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory |
SJ | I replaced with S or U for a graduate |
SU* | Graduate courses only offered on Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis |
T1;T2;T3 | Sequence course in progress |
TP | Sequence course in progress, Taken P/NP |
TS | Sequence course in progress, taken SF |
TX | Sequence course with variable terms, in progress |
2T;3T;TT;PT;ST | Final term of sequence course with total units and final grade |
G+ | D+ grade repeated; additional grade points calculated |
G– | D- grade repeated; additional grade points calculated |
G1 | D grade repeated; additional grade points calculated |
G2 | F grade repeated; units passed and grade points calculated |
G5 | No credit allowed; C- or better grade repeated |
GB | 2nd repeat of an F without permission; only units passed calculated |
GE | Units attempted and grade points calculated units passed not calculated |
GI | I repeated without permission; units attempted, units passed, but no grade points calculated |
GO | NP grade repeated for a letter grade; units attempted, units passed, grade points calculated; incomplete grade repeated with permission |
GP | P grade repeated; no credit allowed |
GT | I (lapsed IP) grade repeated; units attempted, units passed grade points calculated |
J1 | I replaced with letter grade |
J5 | I to be retained permanently by an undergraduate |
JT | I replaced with a grade for final term of sequence course |
K1 | Credit by examination; see memoranda |
N1 | Grade corrected by Instructor |
PN* | Undergraduate grading option Passed/Not Passed |
PI | I lapsed to NP |
PF* | Course only offered on Pass/Not Passed basis |
PG | NP grade repeated; passed/not passed units calculated |
PJ | I replaced with a P or NP for an undergraduate |
* PF, PN, SF, SU courses are included in Credits Completed, which are units toward degree, but not in units ATTM (attempted) or units PSSD (passed). Units ATTM (attempted) are all units taken for a letter grade. Units PSSD (passed) are all units taken for a letter grade and passed, with a grade of D- or above.