The procedure to correct an erroneous grade, as stated by the Academic Senate Regulation 780, is the following:

“All grades except ‘Incomplete’ are final when filed by an instructor in end-of-semester course reports. However, the correction of a clerical or procedural error may be authorized as the Division directs. No change of grade may be made on the basis of reassessment of the quality of a student’s work. No term grade except Incompletes may be revised by re-examination.”

Instructors Correct Grades in CalCentral

Rather than requesting grade corrections from the Office of the Registrar, instructors now directly correct clerical or procedural grade errors in CalCentral. Examples of clerical or procedural errors include mistakes in adding scores or transcribing grades. Instructors can correct grades by:

  • Logging in and authenticating in CalCentral.
  • Assigning a corrected grade.
  • Choosing a procedural reason for submitting the grade correction.
    • Correct miscalculated grade/scores.
    • Recalculate by incorporating student work lost or misplaced by the instructor.
    • Correct miscalculated attendance score.
    • Resolve incomplete grade.
    • Submit grades after missing the deadline to submit grades.
    • Remove hold on grade after resolution of student conduct issue.
    • Change grade based on medical exception.

For more information, please see Instructions for Changing Grades (PDF).*

Please note: Errors resulting from student negligence or error, such as those arising from the misreading of examination instructions, are not included under routine approval.

*It may take up to 36 hours after grades are posted for an instructor of record to receive the security to process grade changes. Once the security has been granted, you will be able to make grade changes for all of your classes.