On this page (click link to jump to section):
- Help
- Guides and Frequently Asked Questions
- Using CSV on a Mac for Grading?
- Deadlines for Submitting Final Grades
- Entering Grades from bCourses
- Delegating Proxies
To Get Started
Login to CalCentral
- Go to My Academics > Teaching > [Term]
If you cannot access your grading link in CalCentral, you may not have been assigned to the correct role and access in the class schedule. Please contact your department scheduler to update the system.
For all other grading concerns, email egrades@berkeley.edu or call us at 510-642-5042.
Guides and Frequently Asked Questions
Review our quick guides, videos, and FAQs for resources and information on entering, uploading, editing, saving, approving, submitting, and posting final semester grades.
Using CSV on a Mac for Grading?
If you are exporting a CSV from Excel on a Mac, please choose “Windows Comma Separated (.csv)” for the format. For more information, see the guide for Importing from a Spreadsheet (PDF).
Deadlines for Submitting Final Grades
Please submit grades on time. Financial aid, honors, probation, and clearance for graduation may be adversely affected for students whose grades are submitted late.
When entering final grades from a location in a time zone other than PST, please be aware of how the time difference may impact you.
Fall 2024 Deadlines
- November 4, 2024: Grading rosters are available in CalCentral
- December 20, 2024: Fall term ends
- December 27, 2024: Grades due
Spring 2025 Deadlines
- April 7, 2025: Grading rosters are available in CalCentral.
- May 16, 2025: Spring term ends
- May 21, 2025: Grades due
Summer 2025 Deadlines
- June 30, 2025: Grading rosters are available in CalCentral for all sessions
- July 3, 2025: First 6-week session ends
- July 9, 2025: Grades due for first 6-week session
- August 15, 2025: Summer term ends
- August 20, 2025: Final grade submission deadline for all other sessions
Entering Grades from bCourses
Instructors who use the bCourses Assignments and Grading tools can export students’ final grades from bCourses directly into the format required by CalCentral. A bCourses help document includes step-by-step directions.
Delegating Proxies
As an instructor you may delegate authority for entering (but not approving) grades to a GSI, a head GSI, or a departmental staff member. This is a two-step process.
Step 1. Add the Proxy to the Instructor/Adviser Table: Before proxies may be assigned to enter grades for a given class, they must be added to the Instructor/Adviser Table in the new system. If the proxy is a GSI, they are already in this table. If the proxy is a department staff member, they must be added to the table by the Registrar’s Office. This is a one-time action. Please send requests to egrades@berkeley.edu.
Step 2. Add the Proxy to the Class: Once the person being assigned proxy power is added to the Instructor/Adviser table, they are ready to be attached to a class. The departmental class scheduler must assign the 5-PROXY code to the instructor’s choice. Those assigned the 5-PROXY code may enter grades on behalf of the instructor in the primary section, but they may not approve them.