If you are a nonresident undergraduate student under the age of 24, whose parents are not California residents, you most likely will remain classified as a nonresident for the duration of your undergraduate career. (Please note: The term parent as defined by UC Residency Policy is considered a biological or legally adoptive parent.)

This is due to UC’s one-year financial independence requirement. If you have moved to California specifically to attend UC Berkeley, you are here for educational purposes and may not be eligible for a resident classification for purposes of tuition and fees.

For a list of documents our office may request from you and your parents, you can visit the Forms web page and look at the documents located under Residency


Please note: While the documents listed under the Residency section of the Forms page are likely to meet the needs of a majority of students who are petitioning, please be advised that additional documentation may still be necessary in some cases (e.g. immigration documentation, financial independence documentation, etc.).