In addition to tuition (as listed on the Fee Schedule), UC Berkeley students pay several types of fees, including a campus fee, tuition fees, a student services fee, and others. A summary of these fees is included below. All fees are automatically billed to your account and will be reflected on monthly electronic bills.

All fees are subject to change. For total fees and a comprehensive student budget, visit Financial Aid’s Cost of Attendance page.

Financial Aid Recipients

The Financial Aid and Scholarships Office releases financial aid no sooner than 10 days before the start of instruction as long as the student meets the eligibility requirements. Students can check the status of their aid by visiting CalCentral.

  • If financial aid payments exceed charges, the extra funds will be refunded to the student 5–10 days after the payments are posted.
  • If a student’s financial aid payments do not cover all of their charges, the student is responsible for paying the remaining balance.

Visit Financial Aid Payments and Refunds for details.

List of Fee Definitions

Click on the sections below to expand and read the definitions for different fees. For additional fee definitions, visit:

Note: This is not an exhaustive list of fees, and other fees not listed on this page may apply.